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Showing posts from May, 2020

Ryan Mitchell Oregon | How to Increase Our Income

Ryan Mitchell Oregon | In the economic climate of today most of us are constantly thinking about how to increase our income. This applies to people regardless if they are employed or seeking employment. How life has changed. Years ago you were fully aware that if you worked hard at school and received good exam results you would then go on and take an apprenticeship and this meant you were going to be financially secure. Ryan Mitchell Oregon It certainly is not like this now, there are apprenticeships out there but once these are completed you have to be very lucky to stay in the job or get another position. More and more we are looking at ways to increase our income. The arrival of the internet has certainly shown a new concept in how to make money, it has given us the opportunity to increase our income from home. The internet has opened up a whole new world of making money, you do not have to be a university graduate or a computer wizard in order to increase your income online.

Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon | Ideas to Use “Found Time” During COVID-19

Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon | It’s no longer “business as usual” to say the least. During this COVID-19 pandemic, nothing is as usual. You may have found yourself working from home – with or without children to care for – or discovering that many of your customers have shut down operations, so you’re wondering what to do with this “found time” in your schedule. This could be an ideal opportunity to tackle those items on your business “to-do” list that you’ve neglected far too long. Here are 7 ideas to help you take back a bit of control in your business and prepare for when things get back to a new “normal.” Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon Check out the competition. Go online and “creep” your competitors. What are they doing? What new products and services are they offering? What are they saying? Obviously, you don’t want to copy what they’re doing or saying – but this can be an ideal time to find out how you can stand apart. Look at the competition in your area and then